
Important questions that need to be answered

You can ask the Chief for remote viewing on this site. When normal sense is not enough or academic knowledge ends…
There is still one way to get the answer.
If you send your essential unanswered question, the Chief examines and answers it through the medium of his professional intuitive skill.


Important questions that need to be answered

You can ask the Chief for remote viewing on this site. When normal sense is not enough or academic knowledge ends… There is still one way to get the answer. If you send your essential unanswered question, the Chief examines and answers it through the medium of his professional intuitive skill.

Important questions that need to be answered

You can ask the Chief for remote viewing on this site. When normal sense is not enough or academic knowledge ends… There is still one way to get the answer. If you send your essential unanswered question, the Chief examines and answers it through the medium of his professional intuitive skill.

ask the chief

Your question must be precise!
Please read:

You can upload a photo of a person, object or plan.
Please select your file
The Chief believes in fair exchange and hopes you do too.
Let him know how much money the requested information or service worth to you.

The amount of dollars you are willing commit



Enter your name
Enter your email address:
After clicking on ’Smoke the pipe ’ button a verifying e-mail will be sent to you.
Verification must be done within 24 hours.
The ‘Smoke the pipe’ button means a virtual agreement with the Chief and by clicking it your question will be sent to the Chief for examination. You will be noticed about your payment proposal once your answer is sent. Depending on the usefulness of the answer you can decide on paying the commitment fully, partly or more. Make the Chief happy and be trustworthy.
Basic rules:
+ Respect the Chief by only asking important and relevant questions
+ Clear questions lead to clear answers. Try to be precise and straightforward.
+ Please bring your best intentions to the table and leave all harmful intentions behind, the aim of this service is to help one another on the way
+ Respect intuition as such, mankind was given to make life better
+ Chief has the right not to answer if ethically questionable, you will be noticed on it
+ Please read ’How can I ask the Chief?’

ask the chief

You can upload a photo of a person, object or other document.
Please select your file
The Chief believes in fair exchange and hopes you do too.
Let him know how much money the requested information or service worth to you.

The amount of dollars you are willing to commit



Enter your name
Enter your email address:
After clicking on ’Smoke the pipe ’ button a verifying e-mail will be sent to you. Verification must be done within 24 hours.
The ‘Smoke the pipe’ button means a virtual agreement with the Chief and by clicking it your question will be sent to the Chief for examination. You will be noticed about your payment proposal once your answer is sent. Depending on the usefulness of the answer or service you can decide on paying the commitment fully, partly or more. Make the Chief happy and be trustworthy.
Basic rules:
+ Respect the Chief by only asking important and relevant questions
+ Clear questions lead to clear answers. Try to be precise and straightforward.
+ Please bring your best intentions to the table and leave all harmful intentions behind, the aim of this service is to help one another on the way
+ Respect intuition as such, mankind was given to make life better
+ Chief has the right not to answer if ethically questionable, you will be noticed on it
+ Please read ’How can I ask the Chief?’


The intuition service is based on donation. You are not obligated to pay by using this service! You can say how much the answer is worth to you by making an offer. However you can pay less, more or none depending on the usefulness of the answer.

Right intuition provides the truth. In some cases the answers are not direct, but rather symbolic. Yet, answers usually carry the most important clear essence. Sometimes more information is needed to answer the question properly. If so you can upload docs, photos, plans by clicking the ’choose file’ button under the question box. Or you will be asked to provide more information via email. You can make a brief description of your case in the question box if you feel it is necessary. It may take 2-3 days to respond, please be patient. You find a list of typical cases below, please read the list carefully to get a sense direction.


The Chief does not provide information to the user about any third party unless (he or she/the third party is) blood-related or on appropriate reasonable grounds.

The Chief is no spy and he does not work for any kind of agencies. The aim of this site and work is to serve humanity.


The intuition service is based on donation. You are not obligated to pay by using this service! You can say how much the answer is worth to you by making an offer. However you can pay less, more or none depending on the usefulness of the answer.

Right intuition provides the truth. In some cases the answers are not direct, but rather symbolic. Yet, answers usually carry the most important clear essence. Sometimes more information is needed to answer the question properly. If so you can upload docs, photos, plans by clicking the ’choose file’ button under the question box. Or you will be asked to provide more information via email. You can make a brief description of your case in the question box if you feel it is necessary. It may take 2-3 days to respond, please be patient. You find a list of typical cases below, please read the list carefully to get a sense direction.

The Chief does not provide information to the user about any third party unless (he or she/the third party is) blood-related or on appropriate reasonable grounds.

The Chief is no spy and he does not work for any kind of agencies. The aim of this site and work is to serve humanity.


Please read


The intuition service is based on donation. You are not obligated to pay by using this service! You can say how much the answer is worth to you by making an offer. However you can pay less, more or none depending on the usefulness of the answer.

Right intuition provides the truth. In some cases the answers are not direct, but rather symbolic. Yet, answers usually carry the most important clear essence. Sometimes more information is needed to answer the question properly. If so you can upload docs, photos, plans by clicking the ’choose file’ button under the question box. Or you will be asked to provide more information via email. You can make a brief description of your case in the question box if you feel it is necessary. It may take 2-3 days to respond, please be patient. You find a list of typical cases below, please read the list carefully to get a sense direction.

The Chief does not provide information to the user about any third party unless (he or she/the third party is) blood-related or on appropriate reasonable grounds.

The Chief is no spy and he does not work for any kind of agencies. The aim of this site and work is to serve humanity.

You can ask about,
example cases:


Personal difficulties

If you have a long lasting problem you can ask about it. What stops you from living a whole life? Be honest with yourself. What is the core of your problem? Put it in a precise question. Let the Chief help you. Your name, age and location is required. Photo of yourself help focusing on you. You can upload a photo by clicking the ’Choose file’ button in the question box.


Technical development

You can ask for help in solving technological difficulties. Very clear question is required! What is the problem? What shall be solved?  In this case technical plans and/or brief description of the project is needed. You can upload a photo by clicking the ’Choose file’ button in the question box. If more information is needed the Chief will contact you.

Most new discoveries are based on intuitive ideas. Engineers, developers, inventors mosty have a left hemisphere thinking. Although it is the right brain hemisphere that connects information, sees the whole picture and has the ability of intuition.

Personal difficulties

If you have a long lasting problem you can ask about it. What stops you from living a whole life? Be honest with yourself. What is the core of your problem? Put it in a precise question. Let the Chief help you. Your name, age and location is required. Photo of yourself help focusing on you. You can upload a photo by clicking the ’Choose file’ button in the question box.

Technical development

You can ask for help in solving technological difficulties. Very clear question is required! What is the problem? What shall be solved?  In this case technical plans and/or brief description of the project is needed. You can upload a photo by clicking the ’Choose file’ button in the question box. If more information is needed the Chief will contact you.

Most new discoveries are based on intuitive ideas. Engineers, developers, inventors mosty have a left hemisphere thinking. Although it is the right brain hemisphere that connects information, sees the whole picture and has the ability of intuition.

Waking up from coma after an accident

The shorter the coma the higher the chance for waking someone up. Progress on the matter happens within 3-4 days. Patient’s name, age and location(city) is required to be given in the question box. Photo of the patient is required and helps focusing on the patient. You can upload a photo by clicking the ’Choose file’ button in the question box. Describe your relationship with the patient in the question box. Please consider ethically: for those in a long coma helping to pass away might be a bigger help. Describe the relationship in the question box.

Helping others by sending a mental message

Only if the patient is treated by a doctor and gets professional help! Describe your relationship with the patient in the question box. Patient’s name, age and location (city) is required. Photo of the patient is required. You can upload a photo by clicking the ’Choose file’ button in the question box. In case of deadly diseases you can ask for acceptance of the situation. You can ask to forward your personal message to the patient. Please write down your message clearly and shortly! Please note that this is not mental healing! Please consider ethically: we shall not influence anyone against his/her will.

Helping dying people

In case your relative is dying and he/she already lost his/her self-awareness. In this situation you can ask for a ‘final message’ letting him/her known your final words in a nutshell (Thank you, I love you…). No matter his/her mother tongue. This is real time messaging. Very precise date and time -with timezone- must be given when you can surely be with your relative. Precise 5-10 minutes interval is required. Chief will send you a feedback if the timing is suitable or ask for another one.

Please send a precise final message in the question box! Also send the dying person’s name/age/place of residence. Photo of the patient is required. You can upload a photo by clicking the ’Choose file’ button in the question box. Describe your relationship with the patient in the question box. Please note that the little feedbacks you can expect are: squeezes of hands, movement of lips,grip of fingers, blink of the eyes, sigh. You need to be with your dying relative in the given time and place! Hold his/her hand in the given time.

Lost people, objects

If someone is missing Chief can tell you if he/she is alive or dead. In some cases the Chief can provide information on where the lost person is/ what has happened with him/her. Please describe your relationship briefly with the person in the question box. Photo of the person is needed. Name, age and last known location of the person is also required. This service is available for private individuals as it aims to help families! Chief might ask you to prove your relationship to the missing person.

In this case a photo of the object is required. You can upload a photo by clicking the ’Choose file’ button in the question box. Last known location of the object shall be described/ Google Earth linked in the question box. You can ask about approximate location, condition and so.


Waking up from a coma after an accident

The shorter the coma the higher the chance for waking someone up. Progress on the matter happens within 3-4 days. Patient’s name, age and location(city) is required to be given in the question box. Photo of the patient is required and helps focusing on the patient. You can upload a photo by clicking the ’Choose file’ button in the question box. Describe your relationship with the patient in the question box. Please consider ethically: for those in a long coma helping to pass away might be a bigger help.

For ex: a family asked for immediate help as the young daughter was hit by a car and was fallen into a coma. Chief sent helping mental messages several times and the girl woke up two days later. She did not remember the messages but she almost completely recovered soon.



Helping others by sending a mental message

Only if the patient is treated by a doctor and gets professional help! Describe your relationship with the patient in the question box. Patient’s name, age and location (city) is required. Photo of the patient is required. You can upload a photo by clicking the ’Choose file’ button in the question box. In case of deadly diseases you can ask for acceptance of the situation. You can ask to forward your personal message to the patient. Please write down your message clearly and shortly! Please note that this is not mental healing! Please consider ethically: we shall not influence anyone against his/her will.

For ex: A mentally degraded woman was taken to a care center. She did not eat anything for a week and refused cooperation with the stuff. The family asked the Chief for help by sending the name, age, location and brief description of the situation. Chief sent a mental message to the sick woman. From the next day’s morning the woman started to eat and cooperate. Family said she accepted the situation and feels good with the other patients.


Helping dying people

In case your relative is dying and he/she already lost his/her self-awareness. In this situation you can ask for a ‘final message’ letting him/her known your final words in a nutshell (Thank you, I love you…). No matter his/her mother tongue. This is real time messaging. Very precise date and time -with timezone- must be given when you can surely be with your relative. Precise 5-10 minutes interval is required. Chief will send you a feedback if the timing is suitable or ask for another one.
Please send a precise final message in the question box! Also send the dying person’s name/age/place of residence. Photo of the patient is required. You can upload a photo by clicking the ’
Choose file’ button in the question box. Describe your relationship with the patient in the question box. Please note that the little feedbacks you can expect are: squeezes of hands, movement of lips,grip of fingers, blink of the eyes, sigh. You need to be with your dying relative in the given time and place! Hold his/her hand in the given time.


Lost people, objects

If someone is missing Chief can tell you if he/she is alive or dead. In some cases the Chief can provide information on where the lost person is/ what has happened with him/her. Please describe your relationship briefly with the person in the question box. Photo of the person is needed. Name, age and last known location of the person is also required. This service is available for private individuals as it aims to help families! Chief might ask you to prove your relationship to the missing person.

In this case a photo of the object is required. You can upload a photo by clicking the ’
Choose file’ button in the question box. Last known location of the object shall be described/ Google Earth linked in the question box. You can ask about approximate location, condition and so.

Other types of cases, questions can be asked. If the Chief can not answer you will be notified. If a question is incomprehensible or malicious you won’t get an answer nor notification.

Please note that intuition is giving symbolic answers sometimes. In this case Chief will let you know this via email response. 

Other types of cases, questions can be asked. If the Chief can not answer you will be notified. If a question is incomprehensible or malicious you won’t get an answer nor notification. 

Please note that intuition is giving symbolic answers sometimes. In this case Chief will let you know this via email response. 

About Intuition

Your phone rings and you get surprised as you have just thought of the caller. Is it familiar? Intuition is a basic human skill given to help our survival. After several researches about ESP (extra sensorial perception) it is known that the right part of our brain is responsible for this ’6th’ sense. You might have seen nature films in which the grazing antelope suddenly starts looking around as if it would feel the danger. The next scene will show the predator animal stealing closer. The antelope somehow felt being stared at. Humans also have the capability of feeling others or perceiving invisible phenomenons. Our brain can be thought to be able to use intuitive senses better. Years of continuous practice of meditation, consciousness (mindfulness) and practice leads to well developed intuition. The Chief is ready to serve you with his best intention.

Daniel Kahneman quotes Herbert A. Simon in ‘Thinking fast and slow’. Herbert says: “Intuition is no more and no less than recognition”. Yes, in a way it is true. Our brain learns throughout our whole life and makes models for certain events. When similar events happen our brain remembers these models. Everyday intuition can be recognition. When intuition is practiced and developed it becomes attunement. One can tune on others, animals, objects and so without the limit of time and space. Like mother and daughter feel each other as they are tuned.
Earlier times in history asking for help from God and listening to our inner voice was normal. We were tuned for life and nature. Materialistic way of thinking brought us science to question and measure everything. You can try to measure intuition as well. But there is no need for that. All of us have inner voices, all of us have intuitive signs in life. Using it, listening to it, that is what we need to learn.
Researchers measured and proved the existence of intuition. Here you find some of these studies.
Rupert Sheldrake the British biologist made a series of experiments under the name ‘being stared at’. It turned out that most of us feel if we are being stared at. Like the antelope feels if a predator comes.
G.B. Rhine was an American botanist who founded parapsychology and the first lab to make E.S.P. tests at Duke University. Later on his ‘zener cards’ experiments were used by parapsychologists worldwide. A zener card experiment was even once carried out in space by Edgar Mitchell the captain of Apollo 14.
Hal Puthoff directed a CIA/DIA funded program at SRI International to investigate paranormal abilities collaborating with Russel Targ, Ingo Swan, Pat Pierce. Under the code name Stargate Project they investigated the potential use of psychic phenomena.
If we move away from today’s scientific examples we find Rudolf Steiner the Austrian philosopher. Steiner was a clairvoyant. He used his intuitive abilities to describe life in a spiritual scientific way.
All in all it can be summarised that those have good intuitive abilities who practice it. Meditation, the alpha level of the brain helps intuitive abilities to strengthen.

About Intuition

Your phone rings and you get surprised as you have just thought of the caller. Is it familiar? Intuition is a basic human skill given to help our survival. After several researches about ESP (extra sensorial perception) it is known that the right part of our brain is responsible for this ’6th’ sense. You might have seen nature films in which the grazing antelope suddenly starts looking around as if it would feel the danger. The next scene will show the predator animal stealing closer. The antelope somehow felt being stared at. Humans also have the capability of feeling others or perceiving invisible phenomenons. Our brain can be thought to be able to use intuitive senses better. Years of continuous practice of meditation, consciousness (mindfulness) and practice leads to well developed intuition. The Chief is ready to serve you with his best intention.

Daniel Kahneman quotes Herbert A. Simon in ‘Thinking fast and slow’. Herbert says: “Intuition is no more and no less than recognition”. Yes, in a way it is true. Our brain learns throughout our whole life and makes models for certain events. When similar events happen our brain remembers these models. Everyday intuition can be recognition. When intuition is practiced and developed it becomes attunement. One can tune on others, animals, objects and so without the limit of time and space. Like mother and daughter feel each other as they are tuned.
Earlier times in history asking for help from God and listening to our inner voice was normal. We were tuned for life and nature. Materialistic way of thinking brought us science to question and measure everything. You can try to measure intuition as well. But there is no need for that. All of us have inner voices, all of us have intuitive signs in life. Using it, listening to it, that is what we need to learn.
Researchers measured and proved the existence of intuition. Here you find some of these studies.
Rupert Sheldrake the British biologist made a series of experiments under the name ‘being stared at’. It turned out that most of us feel if we are being stared at. Like the antelope feels if a predator comes.
G.B. Rhine was an American botanist who founded parapsychology and the first lab to make E.S.P. tests at Duke University. Later on his ‘zener cards’ experiments were used by parapsychologists worldwide. A zener card experiment was even once carried out in space by Edgar Mitchell the captain of Apollo 14.
Hal Puthoff directed a CIA/DIA funded program at SRI International to investigate paranormal abilities collaborating with Russel Targ, Ingo Swan, Pat Pierce. Under the code name Stargate Project they investigated the potential use of psychic phenomena.
If we move away from today’s scientific examples we find Rudolf Steiner the Austrian philosopher. Steiner was a clairvoyant. He used his intuitive abilities to describe life in a spiritual scientific way.
All in all it can be summarised that those have good intuitive abilities who practice it. Meditation, the alpha level of the brain helps intuitive abilities to strengthen.

About the Chief

The Chief had shown talent in ESP (extra sensorial perception) in an early age. He was affected by martial arts, radiesthesia and the power of meditation in his childhood. Later on he studied and practiced mindfulness, relaxation techniques and intuitive skills. He taught several thousand people on how to meditate and how to develop and use extra sensorial perception. Meanwhile he helped many people using intuitive abilities. Such as telemedicine, waking up people from come, finding the core of various personal problems and leading intuitive trainings. All in all, helping people being able to help themselves. The Chief is a real person in anonymity

About Intuition

Your phone rings and you get surprised as you have just thought of the caller. Is it familiar? Intuition is a basic human skill given to help our survival. After several researches about ESP (extra sensorial perception) it is known that the right part of our brain is responsible for this ’6th’ sense. You might have seen nature films in which the grazing antelope suddenly starts looking around as if it would feel the danger. The next scene will show the predator animal stealing closer. The antelope somehow felt being stared at. Humans also have the capability of feeling others or perceiving invisible phenomenons. Our brain can be thought to be able to use intuitive senses better. Years of continuous practice of meditation, consciousness (mindfulness) and practice leads to well developed intuition. The Chief is ready to serve you with his best intention.

About the chief

The Chief had shown talent in ESP (extra sensorial perception) in an early age. He was affected by martial arts, radiesthesia and the power of meditation in his childhood. Later on he studied and practiced mindfulness, relaxation techniques and intuitive skills. He taught several thousand people on how to meditate and how to develop and use extra sensorial perception. Meanwhile he helped many people using intuitive abilities. Such as telemedicine, waking up people from come, finding the core of various personal problems and leading intuitive trainings. All in all, helping people being able to help themselves. The Chief is a real person in anonymity

Daniel Kahneman quotes Herbert A. Simon in ‘Thinking fast and slow’. Herbert says: “Intuition is no more and no less than recognition”. Yes, in a way it is true. Our brain learns throughout our whole life and makes models for certain events. When similar events happen our brain remembers these models. Everyday intuition can be recognition. When intuition is practiced and developed it becomes attunement. One can tune on others, animals, objects and so without the limit of time and space. Like mother and daughter feel each other as they are tuned.
Earlier times in history asking for help from God and listening to our inner voice was normal. We were tuned for life and nature. Materialistic way of thinking brought us science to question and measure everything. You can try to measure intuition as well. But there is no need for that. All of us have inner voices, all of us have intuitive signs in life. Using it, listening to it, that is what we need to learn.
Researchers measured and proved the existence of intuition. Here you find some of these studies.
Rupert Sheldrake the British biologist made a series of experiments under the name ‘being stared at’. It turned out that most of us feel if we are being stared at. Like the antelope feels if a predator comes.
G.B. Rhine was an American botanist who founded parapsychology and the first lab to make E.S.P. tests at Duke University. Later on his ‘zener cards’ experiments were used by parapsychologists worldwide. A zener card experiment was even once carried out in space by Edgar Mitchell the captain of Apollo 14.
Hal Puthoff directed a CIA/DIA funded program at SRI International to investigate paranormal abilities collaborating with Russel Targ, Ingo Swan, Pat Pierce. Under the code name Stargate Project they investigated the potential use of psychic phenomena.
If we move away from today’s scientific examples we find Rudolf Steiner the Austrian philosopher. Steiner was a clairvoyant. He used his intuitive abilities to describe life in a spiritual scientific way.
All in all it can be summarised that those have good intuitive abilities who practice it. Meditation, the alpha level of the brain helps intuitive abilities to strengthen.


For long term cooperation/ for companies and institutions/ or any other special requests please contact via email.


For long term cooperation/ for companies and institutions/ or any other special requests please contact via email.
© 2021 All rights reserved

© 2021 All rights reserved


For long term cooperation / for companies and institutions / or any other special requests please contact via email.
© 2021 All rights reserved